Saturday, February 28, 2009

Answer to Prayer

When you pray, do you ask God just for the "big" things? The "important" things? Or do you think He want us to ask Him about the "small" things? The things that make up our daily lives? Here is what He has been teaching me on prayer lately.

1. Believe Him.

2. Seek His face about what He wants you to pray for. By the way, this requires that you spend time with Him on a daily basis.

3. Pray for wisdom.

4. Ask for your needs, no matter how small and insignificant they may seem.

5. Believe Him. (No, that's not an error. I meant to repeat myself.)

I just have to share with you how the Lord answered a prayer today. Healthy eating is important to me, but we don't have the money to just go and buy everything organic. That would get expensive! I've tried to prioritize which foods are the most important. Organic milk is on top of the list. I've not been able to buy it, though, because of the cost. How do you buy it without breaking the bank? This has been my prayer. Actually, this morning I said this, "Lord, please show me how I can do this. I need you to do this for me!"

Well, guess what?!! He did! He showed me what I can do! Let me know what you think. Target often has deals where you can buy a couple of the products they have advertised and you'll get a $5 gift card towards your next purchase. It hit me today that I could use that gift card to get organic milk! Why have I not thought of this sooner? Of course, I won't buy something I don't need to just get the gift card, but many times I do need what they have on sale.

I wish I would have thought of this on Wednesday. I bought two containers of Downy fabric softener and got a $5 gift card. Oh, well. I'm just thankful God showed me this today.

Isn't the Lord so magnificent? Please write and share how the Lord has answered your prayer.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mambo Sprouts Coupon Book

Mambo Sprouts is giving away a coupon book where you can save up to $35 on your favorite natural and organic products. If you're interested, go here.